When logging into web using www.mindmanager.com and log in, I get a message about trial version is

Alf C. shared this question 2 years ago

In 2011 I used a Google account to download the trial version, but when getting home I further purchased the full version using my local fibernet account and still uses that

But still, when opening web site, app.mindmanager.com thinks I still haven't purchased a full version but when tryinh to register the key, it insists on incalid key, een though when I use Mindmanager everything goes ok

What to do??

Seems øike the apptoken is rather stale :-(

Replies (3)


For this you will need to ask Mindmanager sales support. They know what you have and what yiu have not. And how to register for that.


Problem seems that problem is not what I have purchased, but Google insists on I have an outdated demo and is not synchronized it since I did purchase directy and not cia Google :-(


Nobody buys MindManager via Google.

I still suggest to go via sales support.


I dowloaded using my GMail acout but purchased using my online.no account

When trying yoconnect, the app still think I use my Gmail account :-(


Hi Alf,

Access to the Web Client requires a subscription to MindManager Professional or MindManager Essentials. Platform Specific Perpetual licenses (MindManager Windows or MindManager Mac) or the Add-on co-editing license, which you own, are only valid for the desktop clients.

Best regards,



As you mention, I have a valid Perpetual licensce usually use on a Windows 11 insstallation, but I also have a Mac Mini M1 and thught it should also be possible to download and install on that computer too.

But when trying to open http://www.mindmanager.com and log into my user epost address, I am refused because my trial licensce is by far exceeded-

Seems I cannot download anymore ?

My thougths has been that my mail account is also coupled to the first trial installation and my later purchase has been registered to another account and as I remember, someone changed my Gmail to my home networkk account and maybe forgot to fix the mailaddress coupled to installarion

Or is it so I can only eirther have a Windows and not a Mac or opposite?


Hi Alf,

MindManager Web requires an Essentials or Pro subscription. If you have a perpetual license key that will not work.
