Remove Google Analytics from HTML5 Export

Claudius S. shared this question 2 years ago

It is still not possible to remove the Google Analytics from MindManager Mac or MindManager Web.

This is a no go for our DPO. We also use the exported Maps together with clients. This means that Google and Mindjet/Corel gets knowledge about this and this is not allowed according to the GDPR and the Screms 2 decision.

Therefore it is mandatory required that we can remove this tracking from the exported Maps.

How do we do that?

By the way:

Why is this only possible in the Enterprise for Windows version?

Is the data from other users/platforms not worthy to get the same protection?

Replies (4)


I think tis is because of the different license portal between single and enterprise.

The license portal for single users doesn't support all the possibilities of the enterprise portal.

Thank you Claudius for pointing this out. I'm supporting your wish.

Regards, Andreas


Hello Claudius,

Thank you for feedback. As of the MindManager 22.2 release due out in about a month or so, you will have the option to opt out analytics through the account details page in MindManager Windows, Mac and Web for all license types. Once you opt out of analytics, the HTML5 exported maps will also have analytics disabled.

Note: This will only apply to newly exported maps after you disabled analytics. You will have to re-export your existing maps to disable analytics and re-share them.

Best regards,



Hello Marian,

thank you for the reply. I am excited to see it in the next version.




Hello Marian,

I have just updated the Windows Version to 22.2. I can't find the option to disable analytics. It is not part of the the HTML5-Export Options.

Where can I find it?

Best Regards



Hi Claudius,

You can disable analytics through the Account Details page by unchecking 'Help make MindManager better'.

In the desktop clients, click on the profile icon and then choose Account Details. In the Web Client, click on your username and then select Account details.


Best regards,


