Zip archive processing error

Frank B. shared this question 2 years ago
Discussion Open

A few days ago, I installed MindManager and I am quite happy to have such a powerful tool at my disposal. But when I want to open files with the "mmap" extension, I get the following error:

"Zip archive processing error. Invalid file format, directory record not found"

and subsequently followed by the message:

"The document "filename.mmap" could not be opened."

Can anyone help? I am using MindManager version 22.1.159 (for Mac). I created the files myself on my Mac.

Thanks so much for your help.

Update: I have been able to reproduce the problem. As soon as I print the map (and save as pdf), a previously readable "mmap" file will no longer open and will result in the stated error.

Replies (2)


Hi Frank,

I was unable to replicate the issue described here.I followed the steps below and still able to open the map.

I created test map saved it locally and then printed the map by choosing save as PDF format.

Please let me know if your steps are different than described above. Can you also share where are you saving the map? Is it on local drive or on online cloud storage?How are you opening the map? If possible can you share the copy of the file at




Dear Shilpa,

Thanks for replying!

The steps you are describing are correct, but you might still have to save the file just after printing. This is what I am doing:

  1. Launch MindManager
  2. Create New Map via Cmd-N
  3. Rename "Central topic" to e.g. "test"
  4. Save the map with Cmd-S, select "Local", name the map (e.g. "test.mmap").
  5. Print the map via Cmd-P, select "pdf" and "save as pdf", name the pdf-file as the mmap-file ("test.pdf")
  6. Save the file again with Cmd-S
  7. Close the map
  8. Open map again
  9. The error appears

The files are stored locally. I have tried opening the map directly in Finder, or via MindManger. In both cases I get the error.

Happy to share the files with you.

All the best,

