In flowchart and concept maps, link titles, when visible may cover other topics vertically positione

Alf C. shared this question 2 years ago

In several flowcharts and also in concept maps, if I introduce links to web pages like Google, Pubmed and Google Scholars, the topics placed below may be covered by the list of links shown.

These maps looks nice if I turn off the link titles in the show/hide menu.<<

Seems like the vertical top of the topic is not corrected with the hight of the list, only the vertical placement of the topics itself

The maps would look far better if the height of the link list is counted for in computation of the vertical placement of notes.

Replies (2)


Hi Alf,

Thank you for the feedback. I will send this to our UX and Design Team for review.

Best regards,



Hi Alf,

Can you post some screenshots of your issue so we can better understand it? Thanks!
