Is this macro possible?

Sinke P. shared this question 2 years ago

Hi! I'm fairly new to the MindManger and I'm still learning the ropes. I have a question regarding a macro I need for my current project. I have some experience with macros in general but only by recording them in Excel and Word.

The macro I would need should do the following:

After selecting the two topics and pressing the macro button, the script:

1. Creates a relationship between selected topics

2. It automatically names the relationship label (callout) "Topic A name/Topic B name" and fills it out in orange.

2. To Topic A adds a link to Topic B and to relationship callout. To Topic B adds a link to Topic A and to relationship callout.

3. To callout adds a link to Topic A and B.

So, is this list of actions possible to program with a macro, and do you know where I could order one?

Thanks in advance!

Replies (2)



Yes, a macro can do all of this. MindManager macros do not have a "recording" mode but need to have their code written by hand. Unless you get a better offer I would be happy to help. Please feel free to contact me on or visit


Hi Nick!

Thank you for your prompt response. I will contact you shortly.
