quick add tabs

Carl Y. shared this question 2 years ago

This is about the quick add tabs or add topic tabs...the little plus signs... I need to restore these to speed things up. I have lost them on a couple of my mindmaps. The pdf user manual says I can remove them in "options" . Looked and the only place I was able to find options was in the "File" menu... didn't have any luck there. Searched here also and got a "topic not found." Can someone direct me to the right spot?

Replies (1)


These are call topic frame Quick Add tabs and have probably disappeared for one of two reasons. The most obvious is that you have the map zoomed out too far on the map. As the online help for MM 22 observes, "If you are zoomed out to 50% or less, the blue topic frame and the Quick Add tabs will not be displayed." - https://onlinehelp.mindjet.com/22/index.html?app=MindManager&lang=en#/l3TOC35?sub=1156390

Another less likely option mentioned in Help is is that the Hide Quick Add tabs on selection frame for map layouts check box is ticked. To check this, go to File tab > Options, click on Edit and make sure that this checkbox is unticked, as per the following image:



Wow. This is wonderful info. Very thorough. Very thoughtful. The zoom solution worked. Thanks so very much
