Link from Diagram to Diagram

vorname n. shared this question 3 years ago

Hi, I wonder how to link from one Diagramm to another.

Can anybody please point this out?

I Have Mindmap and want to link to flowdiagramm but without loosing the Mindmap.

Replies (2)


I assume you use MM for Windows.

Right cLick a topic

It can be the central topic or any other.

Select the address of the other diagramm you want to link to.

Click OK


If you want to go the other way as well you do this also.

Alternative way:

You have a main (dahboard) map and have some main topics

You can create a separate map from any topic (not the central topic)

Rightclick that topic. Select SEND TO and you create a new map with links to and from the original map.

In the view tab under multimaps you will see them all

The diagram can be any type as long as y=the links are set correct



Since you put MindManager for MS Teams as your category I'll explain how to do it there.

Open the file you want to link to in Teams, click Share, then Invite Others to Edit


Copy the link

Go to the file you where you want to paste the link

Select the link inspector from the side pane


Select the topic you want to add the link to and click Add Link


Paste the link into the Link Address field


The resulting link will open the file in MindManager for Microsoft Teams when it is clicked

