Why have the MM Mac version not the functional scope of MM WIN version ?

Jörg shared this question 2 years ago

Today I look about the ideas in the community and I'm wondering that a lot of ideas are functions which are present in the WIN version... whats the reason for that and maybe there are functions in mac which not present in the WIN version ???

Replies (3)


Hello Waten

Historically the version of MindManager on Windows has had more functionality than MindManager Mac. We significantly closed that gap with MindManager Mac 13 and continue to work diligently towards addition of these capabilities. The next release of MindManager Mac will have even more.

Before you ask... no, I cannot tell you when that release is coming ;)

Cheers... Blair


:-) I have the MM WIN version


Hi Waten

You have the more comprehensive platform version. However, the most comprehensive offer is subscription which gives you MM Windows and/or MM Mac, MM for Microsoft Teams, MM Snap teaming queues and other capabilities. The info for the subscription can be found on the website.

Cheers... Blair
