Beyond Mind Maps: Expanding the Power of Concept Mapping

Mike shared this idea 11 months ago
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I have been an intensive MindManager user for a long time and use it, among other things, for conceptual work, analysis and theory building as well as the development of creative content. While it excels at creating mind maps, I find its concept mapping capabilities fall short.

It's easy to visualize hierarchical information with mind maps. However, we struggle to represent the complex, non-hierarchical relationships that underpin many of our thoughts, systems, and concepts. It's like trying to arrange a tangled web of ideas on neat little shelves – the order feels forced, and the true connections become obscured.

Forcing hierarchical structures onto non-hierarchical concepts muddles the relationships and hinders clear thinking. We need a way to visualize these relationships spontaneously and easily.

Existing concept mapping tools in MindManager feel like an afterthought compared to mind maps, lacking advanced layout options and making the modeling process cumbersome. Adjusting nodes often results in unpredictable line behavior, further hindering the workflow and leading to wasted time. This is unacceptable for the fast-paced nature of everyday business, which then basically forces us to rely on mind maps, even when they're not the best fit.

We need more advanced CM features. Automatic shape and position corrections for relation lines, a wider variety of node or map-oriented layout options designed for concept maps, and dedicated support for systems thinking and causal loop diagrams would be transformative.

The easier it is for us to visualize our thoughts appropriately, the better we can focus on the core conceptual work. And improved tools would not only make our presentations more understandable for others, the Maps would even be easier for us to understand, because they would involve fewer compromises and mental contortions!


P.S. I'm using MM22, so sorry if some of what I'm criticizing has already been introduced.

Replies (4)


Hello Mike. I use an alternative form of "Knowledge Tree" map for exactly the reasons you describe. If you want to contact me at Harport Consulting I would be glad to demo it.


Hi Nick, and thanks for the offer. Do you mean a complementary tool or your own way of dealing with the existing possibilities of MM?


Hello Mike. It's a technique within MindManager that applies concept mapping principles to tree diagrams, helping to avoid the main challenges with concept maps, namely scalability and granularity.


Hello Nick,

Can you please show an example.



Hello Nick,

While the concept maps are still in development, I should probably be more open to continue exploring alternative approaches ;-)
Providing an example or a brief description of the basic idea would be greatly appreciated. While I've experimented with various methods, I'm sure there are still more to explore...


Hello René and Mike

I will write it up and post a PDF here.


Hello again Mike and René

I have tried to organise the ideas in this document:

Feedback is very welcome.


Hi Nick!

Regarding your general thoughts

Yes, concept maps are a very important analytical tool, as they come incomparably closer to deeper thinking processes and the complex nature of things than mind maps. However, they are also demanding and require high-quality modeling tools. MindManager needs to improve on this.

You also address the problem of spatial development, as concept maps can also become large. For mind maps, we have display/collapse branch and show/hide options, which are missing from concept maps. A functional extension would be welcome.

Considering 3D spaces as an expansion space, as you suggest, is interesting, and I would welcome their introduction into MindManager. However, from experience with 3D tools, I know that it takes extremely well-thought-out concepts to generate real value instead of just showmanship. But I am a friend of multidimensionality.

Even in 2D space, it is possible to work with huge concept maps or semantic networks with tens of thousands of nodes. However, extra features are needed if you don't want to rent a whole cinema hall for the presentation.

A QDA software helps me with this, for example. The basic idea behind it is similar to the show/hide principle in MindManager, but it is implemented on a completely different level. Instead of displaying the entire network, which is possible but not helpful if huge, I have the option of displaying the required elements in any number of partial views/subsystems and modeling them normally. At any time and depending on the goal, I can load or unload further elements of the large network. I can save and manage such views within the program in the same way as normal maps, while their content remains connected to the main network. But of course there are also capable accompanying tools, otherwise you would get lost in such a sea of concepts.

Your hybrid approach

Your method uses a typical mind map tree to map concept maps, using the branches alternately as links or nodes. Because it uses mind mapping technology, it gets support in some points, such as display/collapse.

The main problem: the concept to be mapped must have an inherently hierarchical structure, or it must be forced to do so. Even more: the hierarchy must also be strict. This means that a child node cannot have two or more parents. Alternatively: all non-strictly hierarchical relationships can be visualized by cross-relationship lines, which in turn would look and function differently from the rest...

I can certainly imagine that there can be usage scenarios for this, but the approach is so restrictive that for my type of use it remains only a rare, albeit justified, special solution and not an alternative to conventional concept maps.

Nevertheless, many thanks for the idea! Through such exchanges, our own "inner" concept maps are also constantly being developed ;-)


Hello Mike. Thank you for your comments. Agreed, this is not an ideal replacement for Concept Maps, but I still think that adding explicit relationships to mind maps pays dividends in an increased usable lifetime of the map.


Hello Nick,

I agree, expanding OR explaining mind maps through cross-connections can be very helpful, and I use this often myself for tasks that have nothing to do with classic concept mapping.

I only have little use for trying to place concept maps over the tree structure of mind maps. It does benefit from display/collapse functionality, but I find it rather hindering and restrictive in various other ways that are relevant to me. Others might feel differently.


Hi Nick,

Thanks for your paper on this. While we have discussed elements of this before it is useful to have your ideas so clearly summarised - and indeed this has made me think about how I present concepts in mind maps.

I agree with you about the need to make the nature of relationships in mind maps as clear as possible especially to other users. As you point out, part of the problem with mind maps and I suspect concept maps as well is that it is very easy for map authors to categorise ideas in an arbitrary and inconsistent manner which is not necessarily obvious to other users.

Your approach, ie, to make these relationships explicit, is a great response but as you say it does have its limitations. Some of these stem from the limitations of the program itself; it would be great for example if in MindManager you could place text along hierarchy lines in the way that you can do with relationship lines. It would be helpful even if you could colour code the hierarchy lines and then provide a simple legend, but none of this is easy or even possible with MindManager. Instead you have to resort to different topic styles as you have done in your example.

However, I think your paper points to a wider question. Are mind maps (or for that matter, concept maps) always the best tool for sharing information with others? I suspect that even if you try to make relationships explicit they may not be, at least once you reach a certain level of complexity.

Increasingly, I find myself exporting my more complex maps to other formats, usually (but not exclusively) Word. The resulting documents may sometimes be in the form of standard reports, but often they take on a more graphical format. Often I'm trying to overcome some arbitrary limitation of MindManager as a presentation tool, but more generally I wonder if people creating maps sometimes forget that they had to learn the mind map "language" before they could write maps, and the same applies to those trying to read them. And the more complicated a map is, both in terms of the number of topics as well as the extent to which it makes use of tags, icons, topic properties, progress symbols, priorities, etc, the more expert you have to be in the map language to decipher it.

I'm not sure where I'm going with this, except to say that sometimes we should probably accept that a map may work best as form of shorthand for the author or for a small group of people, or as a draft for a document that will be presented more widely in some other way. While mind maps are an incredibly useful tool for developing complex ideas, perhaps it is in the process of translating these into other formats that the author can best explain the nature of the relationships and other facets of the underlying map to their audience..


Hello Alex. Thank you for your comments. Concept Maps were originally developed to help teachers assess a student's understanding of a subject (Gowin & Novak, Learning how to learn) so should be less ambiguous than mind maps.


To avoid confusion, when I discuss improved concept mapping features, I'm specifically referring to non-linearly interconnected node networks that visualize complex relationships within a context (i.e., graphs with nodes and edges). Examples include semantic networks, system dynamics, PERT diagrams, and other specialized or user-designed network types that allow for complex visualization of concepts.

I acknowledge the many valuable visualization options available in MM, and I use them frequently in various combinations. However, in this case, I'm not interested in a combination of existing techniques. Instead, I'd like to see targeted improvements specifically for working with concept maps themselves, with a focus on increased efficiency. A single, consistent technique would streamline the process, leading to consistent and easily redesigned results whenever needed.

In terms of concept mapping, we are only at the very first level of development in MM: we can link nodes to each other. That's it. We have a push scooter and can get a little further.

For small needs every now and then you can certainly use a scooter, for more extreme challenges you need a racing car. However, the first is too limited for business needs and the second is more for highly specialized people for whom there are already suitable tools. What I propose is a middle solution: a nice, user-friendly and versatile family car.

The first and currently most crucial change for our concept maps would be the ability to automatically adjust the layout. As we move nodes to modify the structure, the graph should intelligently adapt:

  1. Surrounding nodes should be automatically repositioned to create space, but in a way that minimizes disruption.
  2. Connecting lines should be automatically adjusted and smoothed to reflect the new layout.
  3. These adjustments should happen smoothly with subtle animations, allowing users to easily follow the changes.

Implementing automatic layout and connection adjustment would significantly improve the usability and efficiency of concept maps, making them a more attractive and widely used tool.

And this is not the end of the CM journey, but I will post further suggestions separately.


I'm with you on this. One great analogy is people in movies who are trying to solve a crime or uncover a conspiracy. So they put pictures or pieces of paper on a board on a wall and then pin a string between different pictures or groups. In v23 there's a "Concept map" option,


But I feel misled because this is what you get:


One of these things is not like the other.


The two pictures you posted are quite funny considering your crime scene scenario. But the film wouldn't even need actors - the crime solves itself!

Why? The pictures share a glaring clue. The unmistakable "handwriting" exposes the culprit before the director could cast the detective for the wall network scene. Now, some suspenseful music would be needed to keep the audience from leaving!

For those still in their seats, the solution: Both images represent network structures, but neither is a true/typical concept map. One resembles a mind map due to an unfortunate symbol selection. The other is a decision tree, a surprising result of using the "Insert" key in a concept map context. Seeing them together can be disorienting.

The culprit's signature? Consistent undervaluing of concept maps through half-heartedly implementation, below their potential. Or let's call it "work in progress"...

Your profile suggests you're new to MindManager. The situation in the images might seem confusing. However, I believe you've discovered concept maps offer more, right? (Insert, Enter, or Double-click to create nodes. Drag nodes over each other to link them, or use the relationship button - probably similar to my slightly older version)

While I playfully critique concept maps here, MindManager itself is powerful software with a vast array of solutions for diverse scenarios.


I've been using MM for the past 13 years or so. I wish they would bring it back to the iPad.. especially the iPad pro.. :-)..

But back to the concept maps--yeah they definitely need to be less "quadratisch" with the implementation. :-)


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