Browse Visio VSD files works fine, but not Visio VSDX files?

Hellkvist, M. shared this question 4 months ago
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To browse linked files, such as Visio VSD (older format) is working fine, but not when I link Visio VSDX files (new format since some years) those files I need to open in Visio instead of browsing the content in Mind Manager!

I have a map with +300 links, were 60% are vsd files, and rest is vsdx formats.

Replies (2)


you can use this way



thx for the tip, but I want to open the vsdx files in the mindmanager browser as I can do with the vsd files. Your tip requires that I either open them in Visio or via a internet browser. Which takes much longer time.

What I don't understand is why Mind manager have blocked the vsdx files and not the vsd files!


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