What I'm doing wrong when trying to link an Excel file to a map?

Alf C. shared this question 3 years ago
Discussion Open

I have a map where I want to link an Excel sheet with lots of information edited directly in Excel, with adding the file to an item. That works fine.

But if I want to edit more data in the sheet and select edit outside Mindmanager, a new Excel sheet is opened, with same name and empty.

Seems like the file is opened in tmp directory as a new file.

If I start up Excel again and ties to open the original file, I get an error message telling I can't open two different files with same name.


Replies (2)


Hi Alf,

Are you experiencing this when using the "Excel Range" feature? Or is it something else?


I have a Excel file and want to add that Excel file to a node in a map and right click on the topic and select 'Attach file'. open the browser, select the Excel file in question and add it.

But if I later want to edit that excel file, something happen and a new file with same name is added and opened, with no content.

If I try to open it directly in Excel to check why I get message I dan't open two files by same name and has to close the new feil and leave Mindmanager to use Microsoft Excel from start menu to open it and edit.


Hi Alf,

I cannot reproduce the issues you are encountering. I tried both linking to an Excel file on my desktop and also attaching the file directly to the topic. Opening either the link or attached file outside of MindManager did not result in a new blank file being opened.

Are you seeing this issue with all Excel files?




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