Charts(in my case the "cake chart" for tags, budget, timeline

Martin M. shared this idea 3 years ago
Voting Open

I want to display something like these in a interactive cake chart(see excel as example):

Project1 20.000€

Project2 5.000€

Project 3 7,500€

Budget 2021: 50.000€

Replies (2)


In MindManager there is the possibility to create different charts, eg. Pie (Cake) charts. But to be honest, even I use Excel for this, because these functions are a little bit outdated and Excel provides a better usability in my eyes.

To create a chart in MindManager, you have to add a spreadsheet to a topic, alternatively you can use the Excel Range function. Both functions can be found in the Advanced menu.


With a right mouse click on the business-topic-icon you can set the properties of the spreadsheet. With a double click into a cell you can enter content within the spreadsheet.


You can also switch to Chart View and select different display formats and settings.



You can also link and attach Excel files and display them in the integrated browser of MindManager, in which you create such pie/cake charts and link them in MindManager.


The map from which the screenshots are taken is also attached.



Hi Jan,

thanks for your response!

nice to know, that this is possible.

What i'm missing is, you already have all the information budget, resources, timeline, progress, priority or even custom tags etc.... per task.

i don't want to fill these informations again into an excel list.

A way to put tasks into a pie chart showing the selected Properties, tags of the task(+child task)... would be great.


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