How to add a map part programmatically? How to do that? shared this question 2 years ago

18 months ago Nick D. wrote answering How to add a map part programmatically? :

" Then when you have the file and have checked that it exists, use Topic.Subtopics.Add("path\file.mmmp") where "path" and "file.mmmp" are the path and file name of the map part. "

As I have no programming skills for makros I wonder if anybody used this part and made a real makro out of it. What would be the complete makro-text?

I adore the solution, it seems to be easy and it would help me very much.

LG Thomas

Replies (1)



Yes, it does work :) I have delivered customer solutions using this feature.

The macro code would depend on exactly what you want to do. However, you could add buttons to the ribbon to insert custom map parts without writing any code, with App Studio:

This can be used for economic customisation of MindManager for Windows without developing Add-ins.



thanks for the link. I did not know about this program.

My purpose is to have a makro with a short-cut to insert a map part by this short-cut. As I am working as an auditor I have findings which have to be ranked into "kind of deviation" and the according reaction. For each of this 5 different cases I would like to use a makro with specific information. The comfortable version of this would be that by tagging a branch this runs automatically.



App Studio could do most of this. You could have a ribbon button and a shortcut for inserting a map part and running a macro to process it. At the moment, App Studio cannot automatically run a macro in response to editing a topic, but there may be ways around this.



that sounds good. I will request the trial license first. I did not know the program. No idea how long it has been around. However, the description of Olympic is not very concrete. Probably that's why I couldn't do anything with it and that's why I didn't notice it.

Once I've tried it, I'll get back to you. The "there maybe ways around it" sounds good.


App Studio has been used in custom projects but has only recently been made available as a product. Your feedback will be very welcome.


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