Switch to turn on/off a specific part of a flowchart

Grover C. shared this question 2 years ago
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Hello. I need a marker or other element that acts as a switch (On/Off) When the marker is On I want a specific part of my map to be seen and when it is Off I want it to be hidden. For example I want to expose a procedural flow that used to work, but the rules changed and the procedure was modified and the process flow changed. That is why I want to insert a Floating topic with a Marker or other element and act as a switch so that when I turn it "On" the part of the procedure appears as it works currently and when the switch is "Off" I want that part of the map to disappear (And instead the process is seen as it usually was before that process). How can I do that. Thanks. Grover C.

Replies (3)


This is fairly straightforward to do in a normal map using the little - and + or numeric icons that appear next to topics when they have subtopics. These can be used to collapse branches to the parent topic level, and can be used to make whole groups of specific topics disappear using the processes I describe in this article: https://sociamind.com/2015/03/02/creating-collapsible-and-expandable-many-to-one-relationships-in-mindmanager-mindmaps/

However, it is more difficult to do this in a flowchart, as these are actually made up of especially-formatted floating topics. These are not linked as sub-branches but rather using relationship lines, and so they don't have the collapse and expand facility of "normal" topics. The only workaround I can think of is to add a marker or some form of formatting to all the topics you want to disappear, and then use the power filter facility to hide all the topics that have this attribute.


Thank you for your kind response.

Yes. I need that to happen in a Flowchart. I have tried to do:

Using an element with two mutually exclusive options that acts as a switch and the Smartrules function, but I have not been able to do it. It would be a good idea for Mindmanager to incorporate something like this, to use it in Flowcharts because a certain process changes over time and sometimes, like me at this moment, I need to expose how the previous process was and how some steps have changed, if I could do it in the same map can expose the steps of the previous procedure and can make the modifications appear on the same map, it could show these modifications and their implications with total clarity. Thanks for your kind response again.


If smartrules can incorporate an option that with a trigger a certain topic (or several) and a certain relation lines (or several) can disappear. And have the option that other topics and a relationship lines appear instead. With that you could put together a "before" and "after" of a flowchart.

May I do this using power filter facility function?


Hi Grover,

Did you try adding a certain icon or tag to the parts of the flowchart you want hidden, and then using the filter to hide them using that icon or tag?


Hi Grover,

on/off could be done with hidden properties and SmartRules. There macros for that available. If I've time I can make a little video this week.

Maybe the function [ignore filter] will also help you to fix topics in your flowcharts - [right-click]





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