Online map embedded file

Lucas R. shared this question 2 years ago

I want to use a online map. How can I embed a pdf file file, so that a user can open the file and then the embedded pdf file on a mobile phone.

What/Where is the best data drive for the pdf file?

Replies (3)


Hi Lucas,

You can attach a PDF file to your maps using MindManager Windows, Mac or Web. From there, you can view the maps and the attachment in the MindManager GO App for iOS or Android, or Publish the map and share the link with your users.

Best regards,



I want to attach 200 files each 100 kB and then publish it. Is this possible?

I would prefer to use links for the files and the to publich but when I open the published map in the browser and click the link I got a 404 error, that the link is not correct.



Please bear in mind that attachments are included in the mindmapfile and/or published map. Just as attachments are in any emailprogramme you may use.

This means that the map will grow with the number and size of the attachments.

I don't think any of your relations can handle that size of files on their mobile phone.

Links to files will work, but ofcourse you need to provide access to those files.

Maybe post them all first to an accessable cloud storage before linking them.
