Quality on the exported image file

Cleo H. shared this question 2 years ago

Hi, sometimes I have to print part of the maps I created, and I noticed that the quality of the result varies a lot if I print directly from the program or if I export to a image and then print.

Why I have to export to a image file and convert the file to a bitmap losing a lot of quality, why can we just export to a pdf without losing any quality.

Can anyone please help me to create a quality pdf files where the quality is as good as if I print directly from the program,

Thanks a lot,

Replies (2)


If you have Windows 10 you should be able to use the Print to PDF feature to create PDFs from any program.

If not, or you want more options including creating higher quality bitmap or jpeg files, you could obtain a third-party virtual image printer like ImagePrinter Pro.


Hi Alex thanks for your time,

I do have win 10 and Acrobat Pro, when it prints to pdf everything is fine but the pictures and icons are very low quality, nothing like if I print the same map directly with mind manager then the images and icons are fine.

What I’m doing wrong here?


The current zoom factor also influences the resolution.

Zoom to 100% before exporting an image = [Ctrl] + [0]




Hi Andreas, thanks for your time,

My icons are 256x256-32, I don’t think that is the problem no?

I attached 3 images explaining the results, can someone help me please

icons_A: How I see it on MindManager, how I see it printed in pdf.

icons_B: zoom at 100% and exported as image as you said. Not as bad as directly printed as pdf but not as good as printed directly with MindManager.

icons_C: I tried to increase the zoom to 200% but no, you have a limit of reolution of 10000px


Hi Cleo,

thank you for your images. That looks really strange. You did everything right.

Maybe your PDF creator has an additional setting about the printing resolution, because if you export an image, I prefer .png, with your 100% zoom settings, you'll get an clear and zoomable image.

Btw. are you icons set as icons (.ico) in MindManager or are the included as images in the topic?

MindManager will reduce every .ico down to 32x32px 😉

Regards, Andreas


Hi Andreas,

Yes my icons are set as icons, I attached a file with the resolutions, I didn’t found a solution yet exporting to file or pdf,

as always thanks for your time,


Hi Cleo,

have you saved it as an .ico?

The resolutions in your attached image are not important for MindManager.

Icons should have a max resolution of 128x128, but MindManager will reduced it to 32x32 anyway.

Regards, Andreas


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