Co-editing - For Mindjet Upgrade Protection Plan (UPP) subscribers

JamesAK shared this question 3 years ago

Why does co-editing not appear to be available for users who are Mindjet Upgrade Protection Plan (UPP) subscribers?

"The Mindjet Upgrade Protection Plan (UPP) is an annual subscription that protects your investment in MindManager* by ensuring access to new feature releases and to telephone support. Benefits include:

  • Guaranteed Access to New Features:
    Customers covered by the Upgrade Protection Plan will receive all new feature releases, including major upgrades, for the software you purchased i.e. MindManager for Windows or MindManager for Mac — during the UPP subscription.
  • Service and Support:
    Telephone helpdesk support is available during normal business hours to customers under the Upgrade Protection Plan. UPP also ensures priority queuing for cases submitted online.
  • Cost Savings:
    The cost of an annual Upgrade Protection Plan is roughly equal to 20% of the standard license price for MindManager. Historically, the upgrade price for a new major release of MindManager has been roughly 50% of the license standard license price."


Replies (2)


My guess is... because they are separate (addin) products. Just like the MM for MS Teams app and third party addins like e.g. MAP from Olympic Ltd.

If you want Co-edit. Just order the yearly subscription. It is only €29,00 excl tax per year.


Morning Ary

Your rationale works for add-ins from different companies. The whole point of upgrade protection is to keep customers loyal and paying by providing them with an upgrade path. That path isn't for part of the product - it's for all of it

"The Mindjet Upgrade Protection Plan (UPP) is an annual subscription that protects your investment in MindManager* by ensuring access to new feature releases and to telephone support".

Out of interest, where did you get that price of €29,00 excl tax per year? Can you provide a link?




Your interpretation is not mine.

I suggest you take this up with the reseller that sold you the product and the MUPP subscription.


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