Handling of ressources
Dear Forum-Members,
I actually try to handle the ressources of my team via Mindmanager. I create an individual project map for each project plus another map serving as a dashboard to have an overview.
Unfortunately, I face a problem with the indication of the availability of ressources. Most times I am indicated to make use of a ressource by more than 100%. Checking the particular day or week in the Gantt-Diagramm, however, I actually make use of the ressources by way less than 100%. There is not a single day I fall back on my ressources by more than 100%, even if multiple tasks are running parallel to each other. So I don't get the point of the origin of my problem.
I set the available time of my ressources per week and the work time per day for the tasks.
Would be great if someone can help me with that problem.
As a second functional question: I guess it is not possible to register holidays or sick-leave, so that the distribution of ressources is set accordingly?