To issues with Export as Image via macro

Pieter_van_der_Hijden shared this question 4 months ago
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Via File / Export / Image I can export a complete mind map as a file in different formats. Via the macro facility I can not only automate this action, but also specify it in more detail. For example, I can indicate which topics (and subtopics) end up in my image.

In a random mind map I select one of the subtopics and start the next macro.

'#Language "WWB-COM"

Option Explicit

Sub Main
	Dim cTopic As Topic
	Dim cDoc As Document

	Set cDoc = ActiveDocument
	Set cTopic = cDoc.CentralTopic
	cDoc.SaveAs("G:\My Drive\2024\sofos\maintenance\mindmanager\xxx.mmap")
	Set cTopic = cDoc.Selection.PrimaryTopic
	cDoc.GraphicExport.ExportZoomed("G:\My Drive\2024\sofos\maintenance\mindmanager\xxxpng.png",mmGraphicTypePng, 0, True, 0, 0)
	cDoc.GraphicExport.ExportZoomed("G:\My Drive\2024\sofos\maintenance\mindmanager\xxxjpg.jpg",mmGraphicTypeJpeg, 0, True, 0, 0)
	cDoc.GraphicExport.ExportZoomed("G:\My Drive\2024\sofos\maintenance\mindmanager\xxxbmp.bmp",mmGraphicTypeBmp, 0, True, 0, 0)
	cDoc.GraphicExport.ExportZoomed("G:\My Drive\2024\sofos\maintenance\mindmanager\xxxemf.emf",mmGraphicTypeEmf, 0, True, 0, 0)
	cDoc.GraphicExport.ExportZoomed("G:\My Drive\2024\sofos\maintenance\mindmanager\xxxgif.gif",mmGraphicTypeGif, 0, True, 0,0)

	' cDoc.Save()
End Sub

There are two problems:
1. MM ignores my selection but creates an image of the complete mind map.
2. The EMF image appears to be incorrect. When I want to open it, it always gives an error message "This is not a valid bitmap file, or its format is not currently supported."

Please, advice.
