Using Cursor for Indirect .mmap Analysis & API Feed to Prevent Hallucination

krsto e. shared this idea 10 days ago
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Hi everyone,

I have two ideas for enhancing mindmanager wiith Cursor IDE + AI :

1. Cursor Reading `.mmap` as `.md`: With a macro/plugin that automatically saves every MindManager (`.mmap`) file ALSO as a `.md` or `.txt` alongside the .mmap, Cursor could access and "analyze" `.mmap` content, just like Cursor analyze Obsidian vault using Markdown.

Mostly, you'll lose the topic note, tags etc, depend on if the addon allow turning them into subtopics.

2. Directly Feeding API to Cursor: By converting `.html` API documentation into Markdown files, Cursor can directly access and reference the API, reducing hallucinations when coding.

Would love to hear your thoughts on these ideas, especially regarding developing the macro/plugin for MindManager!

ps: i am never a fan of openai API or claude API
1. you pay-as-you-go, every word is counting you money. i subscripted both which is a fix of 20USD/month
2. every request to the API is completely blank new empty. if you want to CONTINUE the previous conservation, you have to USE YOUR MONEY to feed the previous conservations to it to continue, which is very different from a "chat" like interface.


ps, seems the AI simplified too much

the topic 1 is that ppl now use Cursor IDE + AI as a reader, works well as a .md markdown reader, i think if mm 's save is replaced with an addon that save into .mmap AND also .md, then it will do the trick.

topic 2: if you ask GPT/claude to help you code now, they INVERNT many non existing functions. however, if you could someone obtain the whole API documentation, let say in .html format, then turn it into .md markdown format. then when you ask cursor IDE + AI help you code, you could ask it to list out the mm api object used, and then JUST feed those used API .md files to cursor (cursor can access a local folder, so you JUST click the ones you need).

both game changer.

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