I sort of made MM capable of "bilinking" alike obsidian, however semi-auto only. yet.

krsto e. shared this idea 11 months ago
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obsidians is famous for many things, among them, plugin and out links and back links.

for your .mmap, on RHS you choose Map Index -> elements -> "Links".

this is the OUT links for your .mmap.

for back links (a list of .mmap that link INTO this .mmap).

1. you have to define a boundary, just like obsidian have to define a "vault". when you search/index, it is only within this boundary.

2. there are various indexing programs/scripts/plugin. (even with the build in "search", see bottom)

the one i use allow export as .CVS, which could be sorted in excel.

3. you need to think of a method to deal with the above .csv, which will update/change over time.

my way is to import into a folder of .mmap which only contains such links for a keyword. obviously i'll name the file keyword.mmap

previously i have made macros that help compare 2 TREE in a single map. so that for each new .csv imported, i'll compare to the LKG (last known good) .csv and manually move the new ones over to the exisiting branch, in which i can comment on the "back links"

it's sort of semi auto, but if you found mindmanager more friendly than obsidian (obsn do support mindmap thru plugins, but cant be as feature rich as mindmanager).


indeep mindmanager's own "search" and then save as new map could also do the similar, however i found it quite slow, even i asked it only to search in the "topic text".

may be, may be if you have placed your folders splitted as a-z0-9, you could break it down into just 3-4 runs, and it will work for you.
