Export Word - All Links to another topic in the Text area are no fonctionnel

Thierry C. shared this question 2 years ago
Discussion Open

Mindmanager Version 22.1.234 (64-bits)

My goal is to generate a user guide with Mindmanager and export it in the word format.

In the text area of Topic I'm use the link to another Topic ( a reférence to another § in the same Map)

After this version of Mindmanager (version 20 it seems to me), the word format is correctely generate and the links in word file go to the correct Topic. It's very simple for the users to jump a the good section.

With version 22 of Mindmanager, with the same map, all the links go to the first Title of word not to the Topic related

I'm export Word with the Quick export option.

Did you have a solution of this problem ?

Thank you for you help me
