Receive topic from Zapier -> custom does not work

Vincenzo Q. shared this question 2 years ago
Discussion Open


I use MindManger in combination with Evernote. And I'm able with Zapier to generate Notes in Evernote and now trying to do the opposite, create topics when creating a note related to a specific project. Project is identified with a Tag present in the note that include the name of the main topics of the related MindManager file.

a) In Zapier the field Custom seems do not work, so I cannot create the subtopic in the correct Mindject Project based on specific search words. But I need to preselect in the rules only a single receiving topic. Anyone had similar experience? And suggest a solution?

b) alternative option is to move the subtopic to the rigth project with programming or Smart Rules in MindManager. There is anyway to do this?

